Do you like arranging letters to make words? This is your game! It is a very entertaining game where players have to arrange the letters to make words. Firstly, the person in charge chooses a word and mixes the letters up. Then, the players have to arrange them correctly. This game can be played in pairs or groups. Enjoy this game while you exercise the cognitive areas of attention and language.
Basic information
The game consists in arranging the letters correctly to make a word.
The aim is to write the words correctly.
The player can improve the following areas:
The length of the time could last 15-20 minutes in groups but in pairs could last around 10 minutes.
Printable word scramble:
Online printable worksheet generator:
Free game online please see:
- http://www.wordgames.com/en/letter-scramble.html
- https://www.proprofs.com/games/word-games/word-scramble/
- http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/braingames/scramble/scramble.htm
Participants’ profile:
- Dementia level: the game can be played by users from mild to moderate dementia level.
- Physical requirements: It does not have any special physical requirements.
Number of participants:
- This game can be played in pairs or in groups.
Material and requirements
Materials required to play the game:
- A board.
- Pencil and paper.
Environment considerations:
- Good lighting levels.
- A quiet room.
Support needed
Professionals / relatives can:
- Explain the instructions.
- Help the players to make a word by giving them tips.
- If the word seems very long or complex the professional/relative can say with which letter the word starts and if necessary tell the player where to put another letter.
Starting point:
The professional or relative has to write the words mixed up on the board.
Firstly the professional or relative should start the game with short, everyday words. For example: words of objects in a house like table, chair, bath, bed, plate, etc.
and little by little make the words longer and more difficult such as picture, computer, pavement, etc.
The professional/relative should explain to the player that the letters which have been written on the board must be arranged to make the word.
The first word should be done by the professional/relative and the player(s) together.
After that the players have to try to arrange the words alone.
See some examples at the following documents:
Additional information
Variants of the game:
Another way to play is with cards with different letters of the alphabet having several cards with the same letter. This way the professional or relative has to give the player(s) the cards with the right letters for the word.
Also the professional or relative can write several numbers on a board and the players have to arrange the numbers. Another variant of this game could be to write two numbers and the player has to say the numbers which are before or after or between them.
Alternative games:
Similar AD-GAMING games:
- The length of the word.
- Word difficulty.
- How often the professional/relative has to give tips.
Notes / observations
The professional or relative should make the cards with the players so they can practice writing the letters of the alphabet.
Practical activities
- Prepare the materials (board and a whiteboard maker or a template and a pen or a pencil) and decide what topic, for example: objects in a house.
- Professional/family gives a brief explanation.
- The first word should be done by the professional/relative and the player(s) together.
- Ask for any questions/doubts.
- Start the game.
- The players have to try to arrange the words alone.
- Once the words are arranged you can ask them some questions about the words. For instance:
- Where do you put that object in a house?
- Where do you find it?
- Do you have one? Etc.
- Observe:
- if anyone needs help to guess the word and encourage the players.
- how often you have to give tips or how many words they guess without help.
- Ask them for their feedback on the game.